About Scheme Ghana

Founded in 2016 by a group of motivated young individuals, Supply Chain Extended to the Marginalized and Excluded in Ghana (SCHEME Ghana) has become a dynamic organization dedicated to transforming lives and communities through sustainable development initiatives. We work with the marginalized to achieve their full potential.


A prosperous and equitable Ghana, where all individuals and communities have access to quality education, healthcare, economic opportunities, and social services.


We collaborate to empower marginalized individuals, families, and communities, promote sustainable development, and advocate for inclusive policies and practices.


To achieve a world-class society of excellence whose citizenry has quality human and environmental health, good education, and sustainable livelihood support.



Improving access to quality education.


Enhancing healthcare delivery

Livelihood Empowerment

Providing economic opportunities


Promoting access to clean water and sanitation

Financial Inclusion

Increasing access to financial services

Supply Chain

Strengthening supply chain systems

Youth Programming

Empowering young people through skills training, mentorship, and leadership development.